3 Handy Snacks for Healthy Teeth on the Go

Life is busy, and sometimes families need to snack while away from home. But, you don’t have to sacrifice your oral health just because you’re snacking on the go. Here are some ideas for healthy snacks-on-the-go!

Nuts are rich in protein that helps to build stronger teeth. Nuts are a great healthy alternative to potato chips, or other salty snacks that your kids may crave. With braces, it’s best to use nut butters like almond butter and peanut butter. You need to avoid chomping down on hard foods.

Apples are high-fiber fruits, which naturally clean teeth as they’re being eaten! Apples scrub your teeth, gums and tongue, help fight plaque buildup, and help remove surface stains from teeth. Apples also fight bad breath by removing traces of bad plaque and residue from the back of the tongue. Keep the skin on the apple slices, so that your child gets all of the oral health benefits. Cut the apple into slices; don’t risk biting into an apple. Like Snow White, you will regret it.

Cheese is high in calcium and promotes strong teeth. But the benefits of cheese don’t end there. It also contains a protein called casein, which strengthens tooth enamel and helps to prevent cavities. String cheese is a healthy FUN snack that everyone loves to eat!

Always Bring Water
Water is one of the best tools for keeping mouths clean. When preparing a snack for your child on the go, grab a water bottle instead of a juice box. Encourage your kids to swish water around in their mouth after they’re done snacking- it helps remove food bits that get caught in their teeth and can lead to enamel loss and acid buildup.

Healthy Diets Mean Happier Teeth
A mouth-healthy diet is an important part of maintaining optimal oral health. If you’re concerned about how your child’s diet may be affecting their teeth, then bring them into our office. We can discuss healthy, delicious dietary options that kids love, and strengthen teeth.

If you have questions, we are here to answer them! Call our office at 703-263-0575.