Treatment Questions
Which are the "best" braces?
Can you explain Damon System?
Is Invisalign the only clear option?
What are OBC's thoughts about Invisalign?
Timing Questions
When should my child be evaluated by an orthodontist?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children be evaluated at 7 years old. This does not mean that treatment should or will begin at this time. The goal is to monitor and evaluate your child’s facial growth, development and eruption of teeth. We will intervene with braces only if necessary—and you can rest assured it will be at most effective time in your child’s development.
What age is the "right" age for orthodontic treatment?
Should my child athlete/artist wait for treatment?
How long do people wear braces, on average?
Dentists versus Orthodontists
Should my dentist perform orthodontic care since he/she/they know my child?
Unless your family dentist also holds a specialized degree in orthodontia, it is unlikely they are a board-certified, trained orthodontist. Orthodontists have graduated from dental school just like your dentist; however, a specialty in orthodontics requires an additional two to three years of education, depending on the program.
One rotation in dental school is simply not enough to navigate the long-term impact of orthodontia; inexperienced dentists can not only prolong the healing and movement process, they can also fail to see the long-term impact of certain treatment choices, particularly if done too young. Only an orthodontist can provide you and your family with the customized, experienced, and professional care you and your family require. We may be strangers at first, but you’ll be part of the OBC family in no time at all!
If my family dentist is not a specialist, then why does he/she/they do orthodontics?
The laws governing who can perform orthodontic procedures do not specifically exclude general practice dentists. We believe this does patients a disservice; a family dentist certainly has a place on your health and wellness team, but they have no business in orthodontic appliances or braces treatments if they have not been extensively trained in orthodontia.
If your dentist recommends orthodontics, and that they perform them in house, get a second opinion. It comes down to this: Those of us who drive may be good at taking care of our vehicles, but when something goes wrong, we head to a trusted, professional mechanic who is well-versed in engines and automobiles. Even if we know how to change our own oil, professionals can do it better, faster, and with better performance in mind.
Which is the "expert"?
Orthodontists consistently hone their craft with each patient they see, every single day. Trained orthodontists can spot abnormalities very quickly and adjust accordingly, saving patients (and their families) unnecessary time, expense, and discomfort. When it comes to your smile or your child’s teeth, why would you trust anyone who is not an expert?
Does board certification matter?
Yes! Board certification is an important factor if you are looking for an orthodontic experience that meets every high standard. In addition, a great orthodontic office pays attention to details in the services they deliver, the products they endorse, and the environment they provide for their patients. The end result is important, but the process and products must also be comfortable, efficient and welcoming.
Current Patient Questions
Is flossing possible with braces?
Not only can you floss, it is a requirement! Excellent oral hygiene is a must, and we will provide you with excellent tools to help you make it a part of your daily routine.
Is eating before the appointment ok?
Absolutely! We have a brushing station so you can brush thoroughly when you come in.
Who needs to accompany my child to appointments?
Future Patient Questions
What's different about OBC's patient experience?
Does it matter where I get treatment?
How does OBC address tooth removal?
Every effort is made at Orthodontics by Crutchfield to reduce the need for tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment. However, in some cases space is needed to achieve the best orthodontic results. We will refer you to a dentist if you don’t have a specialist to help.
Will braces hurt?
Will my speech be impacted?
How much do braces cost and does OBC take insurance?
This is the million dollar question, but luckily braces aren’t nearly that expensive. While it’s tough to answer without a personal consultation, braces typically cost between $5,000 and $8,000. Your individual insurance and deductible allowances will play into the final costs. OBC is not a preferred provider with any insurance company; however, we are happy to provide you with the necessary paperwork to file a claim and can help you file with your insurance.

Have more questions? We’re here to help. Just give us a call! 703.263.0575